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PMS 910

NWCG Data Standards, PMS 910

NWCG data standards (data element and geospatial data layer) provide specifications that enable the common usage of data across wildland fire information systems.  For more information login to EDG Explorer.

NWCG Data Standards

EDG Explorer is a database platform used for managing NWCG Data Standards.  The following Data Standards and Geospatial Data Layer tables offer a quick view of the standards. 

More detailed information such as rules, documentation, and term relationships may be viewed in EDG Explorer.   Expand Data Standards or Geospatial Data Layer Standards  below to see data standards term descriptions and status.

Note: If the NWCG Data Standards View is not displaying below please report it to NWCG Webmaster

Title Steward Status Sort descending Description
Initial Latitude and Longitude Data Standard GSC Geospatial Subcommittee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The location coordinates pair for the latitude and longitude values corresponding to the initial reported point of origin specified in decimal degrees.

Point of Origin Aspect Code Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard code and definition for describing the direction toward which the predominate slope faces at the point of origin of a fire. [validated: 12/17/2012]

Fire Resource Kind, Category & Type Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

This data standard provides standard formats and definitions for a three-tier classification (kind and type) of operational resources available to respond to a fire. [validated: 8/15/2008]

Fire Discovery Date & Time Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the date and time a fire was discovered or confirmed to exist. [validated: 4/10/2008]

ABCD Miscellaneous Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee, IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

A FireCode used by the USDA Forest Service to track and compile cost information for emergency initial attack fire suppression expenditures. For A, B, C, & D size class fires on Forest Service lands.

License Plate Number Data Standard ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

The vehicle’s license plate number for purposes of identifying equipment.

Significant Events Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Create a data standard that describes the observed fire behavior or significant incident events for the current reporting period. (ICS Block 28)

National Fire Danger Rating System Fuel Model Data Standard FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard code and definition for identifying the NFDRS Fuel Model representing the predominant fuel bed across a fire area. [validated: 7/6/2009]

Modified By System Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Username of system that modified the record.

Other Structures Destroyed Quantity Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for reporting the total number of structures, other than residences, destroyed as a result of a fire. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Incident Management Organization Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The Incident Management Organization for the incident.

Estimated Containment Date Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Create a data standard to describe the data element for estimated date a wildfire will be contained.

Prescribed Fire Escape Indicator Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for indicating whether a wildfire resulted from an escaped prescribed fire. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Longitude Data Standard GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This data standard specifies a standard format for longitude. [validated: 12/15/2006]

Forest Service Assisted Indicator Data Standard IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

Indicates if the Forest Service provided assistance on an incident outside their jurisdiction.

Initial Fire Strategy Met Indicator Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format for indicating whether the objectives of the initial fire strategy used on a fire were attained. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Fitness Level Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

A code that indicates the fitness level of a human resource.

Modified On Date Time Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Date/time that the record was last modified.

Point of Origin County Code Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard adopts the NWCG County Code data standard for identifying the county or equivalent entity at the point of origin of a fire. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Secondary Phone Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Individual’s secondary phone.

Other Structures Threatened Quantity Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for reporting the total number of structures, other than residences, threatened by a fire. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Final Fire Acre Quantity Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the measure of acres within the final perimeter of a fire. [validated: 7/11/2008]

Residences Destroyed Quantity Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for reporting the total number of residences destroyed, or damaged to an extent requiring rebuilding, as a result of a fire. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Fire Report Provider Name Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the name of the person that provided the data for the fire report. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Primary Weather Station Identifier Data Standard FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

This data standard adopts the NWCG NFDRS Weather Station Standards six-digit identifiers for identifying the NFDRS weather station best representing weather and climate conditions for an incident site at the time of initial response. [validated: 4/10/2008]

Local Fire Report Identifier Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard specifies the standard format and rules for a number or code that uniquely identifies an incident report for a particular reporting unit and a particular calendar year. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Incident Personnel Fatality Quantity Data Standard RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

This data standard provides a standard definition and format for the total number of deaths of personnel assigned to an incident. [validated: 12/17/2012]

ICS 209 Remarks Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Create a data standard that describes additional information pertinent to the incident management. (ICS Block 47)

Point of Origin Slope Data Standard GSC Geospatial Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for reporting the typical slope in the immediate vicinity of the point of origin of a fire. [validated: 12/17/2012]

State and Landowner Final Fire Acre Quantity Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard format and definition for the measure of acres of land belonging to a specified owner within a fire perimeter within a state. [validated: 6/16/2008]

Incident Name Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

The name assigned to an incident.

Tail Number Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The numerical identification of an aircraft, also known as the registration number for an aircraft, as displayed on the aircraft's tail section.

Fulfillment Comment Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Communication about the request and fulfilling that request.

General Status Data Standard IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee Approved

Indicates whether the resource is available or unavailable to fill a capability request.

Evaluation Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

A description of how the resource performed on an incident. The evaluation is focused on the specific capacity the resource was required to perform.

Geographic Area Coordination Center (GACC) Code & Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the wildland fire geographic area coordination centers. [validated: 5/21/2015]

Point of Origin Longitude Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard adopts the NWCG Longitude data standard for identifying the longitude location of the point of origin of a fire. [validated: 7/21/2008]

Is Primary Capability Data Standard NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Indicates that the capability is the primary capability for the equipment or aircraft.

ICS 209 Report Date Time Data Standard PSOG Predictive Services Oversight Group Approved

Create a data standard that describes the date and time of the latest approved ICS-209 report.

Geographic Coordinating Area (GCA) Code & Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

This data standard provides a code and name for each of the wildland fire geographic coordinating areas. [validated: 5/21/2015]

Management Complexity Level Designator Data Standard FRSC Fire Reporting Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard code and definition for identifying the highest management level utilized to manage a wildland fire event. [validated: 8/15/2008]

Created By System Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Username of system that created the record.

Position Code & Position Title Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a code (mnemonic) and title for each position used in incident management response. [validated: 2/15/2005; updated: 12/17/2018]

Projected Incident Activity Data Standard FENC Fire Environment Committee Approved

Create a data standard that describes an estimate of the direction in which the incident is expected to spread, migrate or expand in the next 12, 49, and 72 hour time frames.

Incident Commander Name Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The first (optional) and last name of the Incident Commander(s) currently assigned to the incident.

Point of Origin Fire Intensity Level Data Standard FBSC Fire Behavior Subcommittee Approved

This data standard provides a standard code and definition for expressing the fire intensity during the initial response. [validated: 7/6/2009]

Fire Resource Status Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

Indicates if the resource record being submitted or updated is an initial response resource or daily resource record.

Created On Date Time Data Standard DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Date/time that the record was created.

Resource Quantity Current as of Date Time Data Standard NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The date and time that reflects the period for which the resource counts are current.

Experience From Date Data Standard IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The date and time when the Experience began.

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Note: If the NWCG Geospatial Data Layer View is not displaying below please report it to NWCG Webmaster

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Comment on a proposed data standard

When a new or revised data standard is ready for review and comment, it will have a status of Proposed. Submit your feedback to the Data Standards and Terminology Board.

Request for a new or revised standard

Requests for the development of a new data standard, or for changes to a current standard, may be submitted on a Request form

Download the User Guide and other reference materials

The User Guide for Development and Maintenance of NWCG Data Standards, PMS 938, explains the processes for developing and maintaining both NWCG data element and geospatial data layer standards.

Modified / Reviewed:

NWCG Latest Announcements

2024/2025 NWCG Leadership Campaign – The Roots of Wildland Fire Leadership

Date: August 28, 2024
Contact: Leadership Committee 

NWCG is excited to announce the 2024/2025 NWCG Leadership Campaign, themed "The Roots of Wildland Fire Leadership." This campaign provides an opportunity for personnel to engage in leadership development activities.

The campaign features four modules that can be completed at any time between May 2024 and May 2025.

The Leadership Committee promotes and enables the development of leaders in the wildland fire service by providing educational and leadership development opportunities.


2024/2025 NWCG Leadership Campaign – The Roots of Wildland Fire Leadership

Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program

NWCG Leadership Committee

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN)

Date: August 27, 2024
Contact: Incident Planning Subcommittee 

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Status/Check-In Recorder, PMS 350-32, NWCG Position Task Book for Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN), PMS 311-32, and Checking In Resources Customer Service Job Aid, J-111 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for SCKN includes the Incident Position Standards, Next Generation Position Task Book, and job aid were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Status/Check-In Recorder Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Status/Check-In Recorder, PMS 350-32

NWCG Position Task Book for Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN), PMS 311-32

Checking In Resources Customer Service Job Aid, J-111

The Next Generation Position Task Book and Incident Position Standards are now available for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF)

Date: July 26, 2024
Contact: Risk Management Committee 

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81 and NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81 are now available.

The Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) is responsible for monitoring operations on an incident from a risk management perspective to provide for the welfare of incident resources and the public. The new Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort.


NWCG Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) Position

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81

NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81

Updated NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

Date: July 25, 2024
Contact: Incident Planning Subcommittee 

The Incident Planning Subcommittee has updated the NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277.

The NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc) establishes the standards for collection and retention of records on wildland fires. This July 2024 update will provide incident management teams the most current standards required to maintain incident records and submit them to host units at the close of an incident.


NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

eDoc Box Directory (zip file)