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Interagency Airtanker Base Subcommittee

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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Interagency Airtanker Base Subcommittee (IABS) provides national leadership in all areas of interagency airtanker base operations. The IABS develops and disseminates operational standards that promote safe, secure, effective, efficient airtanker base operations. These standards include facility and equipment requirements, operational and administrative procedures, and personnel qualifications and training.


Primary Objectives

planes on a runway

  • Provide technical assistance regarding airtanker base operations.
  • Promote cooperation and standardization in interagency airtanker base operations.
  • Identify airtanker base issues, develop solutions, and recommend corrective actions to the National Interagency Aviation Committee (NIAC).
  • Support standardized training for airtanker base operations and provide leadership in training course development, implementation, evaluation, and revision.
  • Ensure that airtanker base standards are consistent with member agency procedures, practices, and expectations.
  • Serve as a central source of information, guidance, and support for national and geographic area airtanker base decisions and operations.
  • Provide contracting technical assistance and support as requested.

2024 IABS Update

IABS Update 2024 PowerPoint Presentation

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Airtanker Frequently Asked Questions

Read our airtanker frequently asked questions.

Guidance Documents

Standard Operating Procedures for IABS

Airtanker Ground Maneuvering and Parking Considerations


Comments for both of these publications:


USFS Airtanker Program – QR Code Menu

Interagency Aviation Training:

BLM SEAT/Fire Boss (Single Engine Scooper) Inspectors (updated 07/24)

2024 Airtanker AMI Return to Contract Availability List (updated 07/24)

Airtanker Out of Service Notification/Authorized Break Request QR Codes

Air Base Risk Assessment GAR

Airtanker Risk Assessment Rollout Sheet

Airtanker Overfilling or Overloading Direction

Interagency Aviation Lessons Learned 17-06 Equipment Foul Lines and Foul Boxes at Airtanker Bases

How to read mass flow meter printouts

Enterprise Geospatial Portal - Used for FLIGHT and the NWCG Airtanker Base Directory, PMS 507

U. S. Forest Service and Interagency Aviation Publications

CAL FIRE 8300 Handbook

NWCG Aircraft Dispatch Form

Airtanker Loading Procedures and Risk Assessments

IABS Risk Assessments

10 Tanker Air Carrier Documents

Aero-Flite, Inc. Documents

Coulson Aviation Documents

Erickson Aero Tanker Documents

Neptune Aviation Services Documents

IABS thanks 10 Tanker Air Carrier, Aero-Flite, Inc., Coulson Aviation, Erickson Aero Tanker, and Neptune Aviation Services for allowing NWCG to post this material


Chair: Justin Bohannan

NWCG Coordinator: Dave Schultz

Parent Committee: National Interagency Aviation Committee

Meeting Schedule: TBD

Page Last Modified or Reviewed:

NWCG Latest Announcements

The Next Generation Position Task Book and Incident Position Standards are now available for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF)

Date: July 26, 2024
Contact: Risk Management Committee 

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81 and NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81 are now available.

The Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) is responsible for monitoring operations on an incident from a risk management perspective to provide for the welfare of incident resources and the public. The new Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort.


NWCG Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) Position

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81

NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81

Updated NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

Date: July 25, 2024
Contact: Incident Planning Subcommittee 

The Incident Planning Subcommittee has updated the NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277.

The NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc) establishes the standards for collection and retention of records on wildland fires. This July 2024 update will provide incident management teams the most current standards required to maintain incident records and submit them to host units at the close of an incident.


NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

eDoc Box Directory (zip file)

NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle Typing Standard Request for Comment

Date: July 24, 2024
Contact: Mobile Fire Equipment Subcommittee 

The Mobile Fire Equipment Subcommittee has released Equipment Bulletin 24-002 NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard - Request for Comment. This bulletin outlines the proposed NWCG OHV typing standard, as well as the business need for establishing the standard. Comments on the proposed standard will be accepted through August 15th using the comment form linked below.


ETC-EB-2024-02: NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard - Request for Comment

NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard Comment Form

NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 - DRAFT

Date: July 18, 2024
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee 

A draft version of the new NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514, is now available. The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on wildland fires. As this is the first edition of these standards, the National Interagency Aviation Committee (NIAC) requests review and input into the 2025 final publication.

Please review and provide feedback by September 1st, 2024 for consideration. Feedback can be provided utilizing the NWCG Publication Review Form.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 - DRAFT

NWCG Publications Review Form