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2019 WOR: Willow Rappel Fatality

June 30-July 6, 2019

This Week of Remembrance is dedicated to all those who have fallen in the line of duty and is intended to serve as an opportunity to renew our commitment to the health, wellness, and safety of wildland firefighters.

Photo of Thomas TJ Marovich Jr.

Thomas TJ Marovich Jr.

July 21, 2009, at the Willow Helibase, began like most days, fairly “standard.” Crews did what crews do in the morning and then gaggled up for briefing. TJ and his crew were slated for a proficiency rappel (proficiency rappels are required every 14 days to maintain technical competency). They prepared as they normally do, checking and re-checking equipment. Rotors are spinning; several crews had gathered to watch. Imagine the mix of excitement and pressure and maybe just a little fear.

As TJ headed to the helicopter he noticed a plastic clip, intended to prevent his harness from becoming tangled, was missing. He went to his lead and got it fixed…good to go. TJ checked his own gear…good to go. TJ’s buddy checker looked head to toe and grabbed his harness and pulled… good to go. As he climbed into the helicopter TJ’s spotter checked his gear…good to go. Four people saw exactly what they expected to see. Can you immediately spot any difference in the configurations pictured? Imagine trying to spot subtle differences in a high tempo environment.

Photo firefighters holding rappel hooks out showing three different gear configurations.

There are actually three different gear configurations in this picture (Click to enlarge the photo).

TJ was connected to the helicopter by a rubber band. Now before you shout “there’s the problem” and “how could they miss that” remember that you have the benefit of hindsight, and no time pressure. You have the advantage of viewing a static image for comparison, and you are in the middle of a 6 Minutes for Safety session. That picture is a pretty clear cue that something is amiss and in the office today it’s easy to notice the problem. However, in the field, in the moment, life isn’t that easy. Proficiency rappels were intended to prevent just this kind of accident. And it happened anyway.

We are all a version of TJ. We are all a version of his crew that day. We do work involving risk. We practice and perform life-dependent critical tasks over and over. This work, which was once new to us, inevitably becomes normal. Think of your “standard” day. Does it start anything like this: briefing, prevention maintenance check, physical training?

How much repetition is involved? Break it down further. Is briefing always in the same format? Is the form for the engine check the same one every day? Is there a standard physical training routine?

This is all good stuff, right? Repetition builds skill, muscle memory, and automatic recall that could save your life. Right?

Is there a downside to all this repetition? Of course there is a downside; there seems to be two sides to everything. We often label the downside of repetition as “complacency.” This is a tough word. We use it as a weapon and insinuate that getting “complacent” is completely within our individual control. We promote the idea that you’re just a bad firefighter if you get complacent. Is this really accurate? Is it really possible to NOT get complacent with repetitive tasks? Is it just part of being human? Can you ever slide out of a helicopter, push a saw into a snag or get into the engine without being pretty darn sure you are good to go? Have a chat with those around you about this.

The easy wrong here is to blame TJ and his fellow rappellers for getting complacent. The harder right is remembering that each one of us is TJ – not better, not worse. You are TJ. We honor TJ through learning.


As a group, pick a repetitive task everyone performs that has become normal. Make a Pros/Cons list about repetition. Identify ways to encourage the Pros and mitigate the Cons. Repeat (with a different task).
Purple ribbon symbol

How can YOU Honor through Learning?

The topics, review, and resources for the NWCG “Wildland Firefighter Week of Remembrance” have been contributed by the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center, the NWCG Leadership Committee, and many other field subject matter experts.


Last Modified / Reviewed:

Have an idea or feedback?

Share it with the NWCG 6MFS Subcommittee.

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NWCG Latest Announcements

Task Group Volunteers Needed to Update the Property Loss or Damage Report, OF 289

Date: February 5, 2025
Contact: Julie Bennett, Incident Business Committee Chair

The Incident Business Committee (IBC) is requesting volunteers for a new task group to revise the 1981 version of the Property Loss or Damage Report, OF 289 and create an incident replacement job aid. The volunteers may be recruited from within or outside the Geographic Area Incident Business Committees.


IBC Memorandum 25-02

IBC Correspondence

2025 Updates to the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1

Date: February 4, 2025
Contact: Incident and Position Standards Committee

The NWCG Incident and Position Standards Committee has updated the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1. 

These updates address changes to incident position names and requirements for qualification, training, and experience. Updates related to the implementation of Complex Incident Management (CIM) are also included.  

The NWCG Wildland Fire Position Qualification Flowchart, PMS 308 has also been updated to reflect the recent changes.


NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1

NWCG Wildland Fire Position Qualification Flowchart, PMS 308

NWCG Memo: 2025-01 January 2025 Updates to the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Positions Qualifications, PMS 310-1

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases Safety Warning: 25-001 Non-specification fire shelters

Date: January 15, 2025
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released Safety Warning: 25-001 Non-specification fire shelters. Non-specification fire shelters claiming to meet Forest Service (FS) fire shelter specification 5100-606 were first found in February of 2023. As of September 2024, non-specification shelters are again being advertised and sold on the open market.

This Safety Warning outlines details and recommended procedures to purchase FS specification shelters made with materials and components that meet performance criteria and toxicity testing requirements outlined in FS Specification 5100-606. 

For additional information on identifying non-specification shelters, please view ETC Safety Warning 23-01.


ETC Safety Warning 25-001: Non-specification fire shelters

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee

ETC Safety Warning 23-01

Paul Gleason Lead by Example Awards

Date: January 14, 2025
Contact: Leadership Committee

The NWCG Leadership Committee has awarded the 2023 Paul Gleason “Lead By Example” awards to individuals in the categories of Initiative and Innovation, Mentoring and Teamwork, and Motivation and Vision, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Congratulations to the awardees:

  • Sam Bowen, Superintendent of the Mark Twain Veteran Crew with the U.S. Forest Service.
  • Greg Titus, Zone Fire Management Officer for the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Renae Crippen, Manager of the Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center with the U.S. Forest Service.
  • Eric Carlson, Instructor with OMNA International.


Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award

Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program

Interview with Paul Gleason