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NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire, PMS 205


The NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire provides an extensive listing of approved terms and definitions used by the NWCG community. It contains terms commonly used by NWCG in the areas of wildland fire and incident management and is not intended to list all terms used by NWCG groups and member agencies. The NWCG has directed that all committee and subgroup product glossaries be contained within the NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire to maintain definition consistency and clarity among documents.

Comments, questions, and recommendations shall be submitted to the appropriate agency program manager assigned to the Data Standards and Terminology Board (DSTB). 

NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire, PMS 205  (Quick View)

EDG Explorer is a database platform used for managing NWCG Glossary terms.  The following table is a quick view of the terms found in EDG. More detailed information such as rules, documentation, and term relationships may be viewed in EDG Explorer.  

Note: If the NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire is not displaying below please report it to NWCG Webmaster

Title Steward Status Definition
apparatus identifier ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

The alphanumeric characters assigned to an apparatus.

apparatus number NCSC National Coordination System Committee Archived

The external alphanumeric value painted on the side of the equipment.

approved IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

In fire service terminology, that which is inspected and listed by recognized fire-testing agencies. The term as used in National Fire Protection Association standards means approval by the authority having jurisdiction, such as the fire chief, insurance inspection department, or other agency that enforces standards or regulations. 

Aramid RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

The generic name for a high-strength, flame-resistant, synthetic fabric used in the shirts and jeans of firefighters. Nomex ® , a brand name for aramid fabric, is the term commonly used by firefighters.

arduous duty level RMC Risk Management Committee Archived

Arduous duty field work requires above-average endurance and superior conditioning.  Duties may include an occasional demand for extraordinarily strenuous activity in emergency situations under adverse environmental conditions over extended periods. The pace of work typically is set by the emergency condition.  Essential functions include, but are not limited to: running, walking or hiking, climbing, jumping, twisting, bending, lifting more than 50 pounds, and carrying 45 pounds or more for extended periods over difficult terrain. 

area command NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

An organization that oversees the management of multiple incidents or oversees the management of a very large or evolving situation with multiple ICS organizations.

area coordination center IBC Incident Business Committee, NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

A facility which serves as a central point for one or more agencies to use in processing information and resource requests. It may also serve as a dispatch center for one of the agencies.

area ignition FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Ignition of several individual fires throughout an area, either simultaneously or in rapid succession, and so spaced that they add to and influence the main body of the fire to produce a hot, fast-spreading fire condition.

area of influence IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Delineated area surrounding a base which can be reached first by the ground or air attack units assigned to the base.

area source FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A source category of air pollution that generally extends over a large area. Prescribed burning, field burning, home heating, and open burning are examples of area sources.

armed IAB Interagency Airtanker Board, SEATB Single Engine Airtanker Board Approved

A term used to indicate that the airtanker dropping mechanism is set to allow a programmed release of part or all of the load of fire retardant.

arrest WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

The taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority, especially in response to a criminal charge.

arson WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

At common law, the malicious and willful burning of another's dwelling, outhouse or parcel; by most modern statutes, the intentional and wrongful burning of someone else's, or one's own, property. Frequently requires proof of malicious or wrongful intent.

arson fire WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

A fire that is intentional and wrongfully set to burn one's own or someone else's property.

arson task force WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Group of individuals convened to analyze, investigate and solve arson problems in a particular region.

arsonist WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

One who commits arson.

aspect FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

Cardinal direction toward which a slope faces.

aspirate [foam] ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

To draw in gases (or other substances); nozzle aspirating systems draw air into the nozzle to mix with the foam solution.

assessment [decision-making] IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

The evaluation and interpretation of measurements, intelligence, and other information to provide a basis for decision-making.

assessment [fire weather] FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

A fire weather fire danger product based on a thorough evaluation of all pertinent sources of meteorological, fire danger and resource information.

assigned resources NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident.

assignments NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

A task given to a person or team to perform based on operational objectives defined in the IAP.

assistant NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

A title for subordinates of principal Command Staff and EOC director’s staff positions. The title indicates a level of technical capability, qualification, and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions. Assistants may also be assigned to unit leaders.

assisting agency IBC Incident Business Committee, NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

An agency or organization providing personnel, services, or other resources to the agency with direct responsibility for incident management.

assumption WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Acceptance of information as true without proof or demonstration.

asynchronous (training) TDC Training Delivery Committee Approved

Training where the students and/or instructors are not interacting with each other in real time. Typically, the students are accessing learning resources at a time of their choosing.

at incident Proposed New

The resource is committed and at the assigned incident.

atmometer FENC Fire Environment Committee Approved

An instrument that provides an approximate measure of evapotranspiration by measuring the water loss from an artificial evaporating surface.

atmospheric inversion FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

According to the American Meteorological Society, a departure from the usual decrease or increase with altitude of the value of an atmospheric property; also, the layer through which this departure occurs (the "inversion layer"), or the lowest altitude at which the departure is found ("the base of the inversion"). In fire management usage, nearly always refers to an increase in temperature with increasing height.

atmospheric pressure FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

According to the American Meteorological Society, the net force per unit area exerted by the atmosphere as a consequence of gravitational attraction exerted upon the column of air lying directly above the point in question.  Atmospheric pressure is independent of the orientation of the surface on which it acts.

atmospheric stability FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

According to the American Meteorological Society, the ability of the atmosphere at rest to become turbulent or laminar due to the effects of buoyancy. Air tending to become or remain turbulent is said to be statically unstable; one tending to become or remain laminar is statically stable; and one on the borderline between the two (which might remain laminar or turbulent depending on its history) is statically neutral.

attack a fire IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Limit the spread of fire by any appropriate means.

attack line IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

A line of hose, preconnected to the pump of a fire apparatus and ready for immediate use in attacking a fire. Contrasted to supply lines connecting a water supply with a pump or to feeder lines extended from a pump to various points around the perimeter of a fire. 

attack time IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The starting date, hour, and minute of the first suppression work on a fire.

attack unit IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

Single vehicle or aircraft and its associated personnel and material provided for the purpose of responding to and abating a fire or other emergency.

attack unit response IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The response of one attack unit to a fire or other emergency with no regard for the number of return trips to that same fire or emergency.

attainment area FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

An area considered to have air quality as good as, or better than, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) as defined in the Clean Air Act. An area may be in attainment for one or more pollutants but be in nonattainment for one or more other pollutants. 

authority having jurisdiction NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

authorized passenger NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Passengers may be transported in government aircraft only if they meet definition of an Official or an Unofficial Passenger.

Automatic Weather Station FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

A non-GOES telemetered weather station that provides hourly observations to a local database.

automatically regulated IABS Interagency Airtanker Base Subcommittee Approved

A proportioning method or device that readily adjusts to changes in water flow and or pressure to maintain a desired mix ratio.

autorotation NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

A helicopter flight condition in which the lifting rotor is driven entirely by action of air when the helicopter is in motion.

auxiliary pump ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A secondary pump on an engine in addition to the main pump. Usually of small capacity.

available Proposed New

The resource can be used to fill a request. Resources on preposition incidents qualify as available.

available fuel FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

That portion of the total fuel that would actually burn under various environmental conditions.

available resources NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

Resources assigned to an incident and available for assignment.

average annual precipitation FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

The expected amount of annual rainfall. Average annual precipitation is an important component to determining the Keech-Bryam Drought Index (KBDI).

average relative humidity FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

The mathematical average of the maximum and minimum relative humidities measured at a fire weather station from one basic observation time to the next.

average temperature FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

According to the American Meteorological Society, the average temperature of the air as indicated by a properly exposed thermometer during a given time period, usually a day, a month, or a year.

aviation call sign NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Communication call sign assigned as a unique identifier to an aircraft.

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How to Print or Download Glossary of Wildland Fire, PMS 205

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NWCG Latest Announcements

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR)

Date: November 13, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Equipment Time Recorder, PMS 350-51 and NWCG Position Task Book for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR), PMS 311-51 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for EQTR, includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Equipment Time Recorder Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Equipment Time Recorder, PMS 350-51

NWCG Position Task Book for Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR), PMS 311-51

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC)

Date: November 13, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Personnel Time Recorder, PMS 350-53 and NWCG Position Task Book for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC), PMS 311-53 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for PTRC, includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Personnel Time Recorder Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Personnel Time Recorder, PMS 350-53

NWCG Position Task Book for Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC), PMS 311-53

NWCG Risk Management Committee Releases Safety Bulletin: 24-001 Use of Respirators on Wildland Fires

Date: November 7, 2024
Contact: Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee (RMC) has released Safety Bulletin: 24-001 Use of Respirators on Wildland Fires. As wildland fire respirators are available through several established vendors, wildland fire personnel need to understand regulations and limitations of respirator use in the workplace.

Safety Bulletin 24-001 outlines the following topics regarding respirator use for wildland fires:

  • Requirements for Respirator Use
  • Voluntary Respirator Use
  • Current Respirator Options
  • Unknown Risks of Respirator Use

This bulletin also provides mitigation recommendations to help reduce smoke exposure for wildland firefighting efforts.


NWCG Safety Bulletin: 24-001 Use of Respirators on Wildland Fires

NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire, PMS 420-3

VIDEO: Protecting Wildfire Personnel from Smoke - How Incident Management Teams Address Smokes Risks

VIDEO: Smoke, Knowing the Risks

The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Medical Unit Leader (MEDL)

Date: October 16, 2024
Contact: Incident Medical Subcommittee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Medical Unit Leader, PMS 350-39 and NWCG Position Task Book for Medical Unit Leader (MEDL), PMS 311-39 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for MEDL includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book, were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Medical Unit Leader Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Medical Unit Leader, PMS 350-39

NWCG Position Task Book for Medical Unit Leader (MEDL), PMS 311-39