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2021 WOR Day 7: Preparing for Our Future

 Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  Day 4  |  Day 5  |  Day 6  |  Day 7



Today is the twenty-seventh anniversary of a single shift on the South Canyon Fire that took the lives of 14 firefighters. We use this solemn day to remember that instance as we culminate a week of reflection to honor all our sisters and brothers who have perished in the line of duty. We honor them through learning.

Walkway lined with memorial plaques and surrounded by green grass, brush, and trees.

Wildland Firefighters Monument, Boise, Idaho.

We have used this week to reflect on the twentieth anniversary of the Thirtymile Fire. We studied this incident using some of the tools developed partly because of this fire’s tragic events. Lessons from Thirtymile have changed the wildland fire service in several ways. One such change is that Thirtymile influenced the shift in focus from accident investigations toward learning reviews and the emphasis on studying unintended outcomes rather than fault-finding after an incident. At the time Thirtymile occurred, these concepts were in their infancy. Today the culture has changed and more readily embraces learning. The events surrounding the Thirtymile Fire helped bring that change.

We reviewed responsibilities of Followers, New Leaders, and Leaders of People. Consider how individuals at the other Levels of Leadership have learned from Thirtymile and other events. Consider how leaders at all levels have applied these lessons to change the wildland fire service.

We also studied how group dynamics impact situation awareness, communication, and decision-making.

We looked at the importance of caring for ourselves and others in the aftermath of traumatic events.

On this final day we ask you to think about what you have learned from this week of reflection. Identify what lessons and insights you will use in future operations.

A purple ribbon symbolizing remembrance of those who have passed away.Discussion Questions:

Within your group, discuss the most impactful lessons from the week.

  • Think back to day one of this week, how did you answer the question “What have you learned from Thirtymile already?” What new learning have you added through these exercises? What have you learned from the experiences of others?
  • What topics stood out to you from this week?
  • What did you learn about Leadership Levels?
  • What lessons can you apply today?

We, as fellow firefighters, sincerely hope you never experience something like Thirtymile, South Canyon, or Yarnell Hill. But you might. Are you ready?

Remember, we honor our fallen through learning.


Have an idea or feedback?

Share it with the NWCG 6MFS Subcommittee.

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NWCG Latest Announcements

The Next Generation Position Task Book and Incident Position Standards are now available for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF)

Date: July 26, 2024
Contact: Risk Management Committee 

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81 and NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81 are now available.

The Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) is responsible for monitoring operations on an incident from a risk management perspective to provide for the welfare of incident resources and the public. The new Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort.


NWCG Safety Officer, Field (SOFF) Position

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Safety Officer, Field, PMS 350-81

NWCG Position Task Book for Safety Officer, Field (SOFF), PMS 311-81

Updated NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

Date: July 25, 2024
Contact: Incident Planning Subcommittee 

The Incident Planning Subcommittee has updated the NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277.

The NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc) establishes the standards for collection and retention of records on wildland fires. This July 2024 update will provide incident management teams the most current standards required to maintain incident records and submit them to host units at the close of an incident.


NWCG Standards for Electronic Documentation (eDoc), PMS 277

eDoc Box Directory (zip file)

NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle Typing Standard Request for Comment

Date: July 24, 2024
Contact: Mobile Fire Equipment Subcommittee 

The Mobile Fire Equipment Subcommittee has released Equipment Bulletin 24-002 NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard - Request for Comment. This bulletin outlines the proposed NWCG OHV typing standard, as well as the business need for establishing the standard. Comments on the proposed standard will be accepted through August 15th using the comment form linked below.


ETC-EB-2024-02: NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard - Request for Comment

NWCG Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Typing Standard Comment Form

NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 - DRAFT

Date: July 18, 2024
Contact: National Interagency Aviation Committee 

A draft version of the new NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514, is now available. The NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations establishes the standards for dispatching, utilizing, and coordinating airtankers on wildland fires. As this is the first edition of these standards, the National Interagency Aviation Committee (NIAC) requests review and input into the 2025 final publication.

Please review and provide feedback by September 1st, 2024 for consideration. Feedback can be provided utilizing the NWCG Publication Review Form.


NWCG Standards for Airtanker Operations, PMS 514 - DRAFT

NWCG Publications Review Form