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Position History By Year

The NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1, establishes minimum NWCG position qualification standards for training, experience, physical fitness, and currency for national mobilization to wildland fire incidents. And position qualification standards are located in the NWCG Position Catalog. Each NWCG Position includes a record of all qualifications changes. A historical record of all changes is found here, organized by position. It includes positions which have been removed from the NWCG Position Catalog. An historical record of all changes is found here, organized by update year. A consolidated Position History is also available.

Year: 2024

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Crew Boss, Single Resource CRWB


Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For CRWB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) to "CRWB Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs).

Position created.

Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 RXB1


Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: RX-510 course name.

Position created. Part 2.

Prescribed Fire
Logistics Section Chief Type 3* LSC3

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted  from "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC3" and from "LSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC3."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "LSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements: Note: Once qualified as SPUL, FACL, GSUL, or ICT3, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) and NIMS: An Introduction (IS-700) to Required Training.

Removed: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) from the "LSC3 Maintains Currency for These Positions."
Added: Service Branch Director (SVBD) and Support Branch Director (SUBD) to "These Positions Maintains Currency for LSC3."
Added: the following language: FEMA PTBs are available on the NWCG website.

Position created.

Type 3 Position standards are being introduced to provide an agreed to minimum standard for National Mobilization and to help develop local capability.  Currently the PSC3, LSC3, and FSC3 positions are utilized by FEMA and the Department of the Interior All Hazard qualification program.

NWCG recognizes the ability of cooperating agencies at the local level to jointly define and accept each other’s qualifications for initial attack, extended attack, large fire operations, and prescribed fire.

Position qualification pathways for the LSC3PSC3, and FSC3 positions include both equivalency and position task book alternatives for position qualification.   FEMA position task books will be utilized for these positions and are available at

Logistics Section Chief Type 2* LSC2

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and from "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Crew Boss, Single Resource CRWB


Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For CRWB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5) to "CRWB Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs).

Position created.

Planning Section Chief Complex PSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


  • To PSCC Qualification Requirements: ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-123.


  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123


  • Satisfactory performance as a Resources Unit Leader (RESL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Complex Incident Safety Officer (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S-440) prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency for PSCC:

  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)
  • Resources Unit Leader (RESL)
  • Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

To PSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Demobilization Unit Leader (DMOB)
  • Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Added: Area Commander (ACDR), Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC), Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), and Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSCC ".

Added: Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC), Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1), Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2), Resources Unit Leader (RESL), Situation Unit Leader (SITL), and Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN) to "PSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Position created.

Safety Officer Complex SOFC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to SOFC Qualification Requirements:

  • *** S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Safety Officer Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-104.

Updated Required Training:

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-104

To These Positions Maintain Currency For SOFC:

  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Safety Officer, Line (SOFR)

To SOFC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Safety Officer, Line (SOFR)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Equipment Manager EQPM

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For EQPM":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD) 
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for EQPM."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Engine Boss, Single Resource ENGB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ENGB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Engine Boss (ENGB) maintains currency for Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5).

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: A Skills Crosswalk comparing National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for structural firefighters with National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) wildland firefighter skills has been developed for the FFT2, FFT1, ENGB, and STEN positions.

Added: Required training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource)(24 hrs), S-231, Engine Boss (Single Resource)(8 hrs), S-205, Fire Operations in the Urban Interface (28 hrs).

Position created.

Logistics Section Chief Type 1* LSC1

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC1" and from "LSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LCS1" and "LCS1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC) to "LCS1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Corrected asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Added: of Support Branch Director (SUBD) to LSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1).
Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) on a wildfire incident*.

Removed: of Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3) from the "These Positions Maintain Currency for LSC1" positions.
Added: of Area Commander (ACDR) for "These Positions Maintain Currency for LSC1."
Added: of Service Branch Director (SVBD) to "LSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Task Force Leader TFLD

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "TFLD Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For TFLD."

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  If a TFLD meets the prerequisite experience and qualifications of a STL, the appropriate STL qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a ‘verification/certification’ page of the TFLD Position Task Book (311-10).

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "TFLD Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: the following qualification pathway for required experience:
Satisfactory performance in any two Strike Team Leader positions (STCR, STEQ, STEN).

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Deleted: S-330 (24 hrs.) and S-390 (16 hrs.) from Required Training.

Position created.

Felling Boss, Single Resource FELB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FELB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  Required Training: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs) and S-212, Wildland Fire Chainsaws (28 hrs).

Position created.

Heavy Equipment Boss, Single Resource HEQB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Added to  "These Positions Maintain Currency For HEQB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Combined DOZB and TRPB positions into a Heavy Equipment Boss (HEQB) position.

Ordering Manager ORDM

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For ORDM":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ORDM."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents  (ICS-200) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (ICS-200) to Required Training.
Transition Plan:

  • All qualified individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-200 in responder’s records.
  • All trainee ORDM will be required to complete ICS-200 prior to position qualification.

Position created.

Firing Boss, Single Resource FIRB

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FIRB":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Field Observer (FOBS) to "FIRB Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: The Ignition Specialist positions (RXI1& RXI2) have been replaced with the Firing Boss (FIRB) position.

Added: S-230, Crew Boss (Single Resource) (24 hrs.) and S-234 (24 hrs.) to Single Resource Boss Firing Required Training.

Position created. Single Resource Boss in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Facilities Unit Leader* FACL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For FACL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from "FACL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FACL."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "FACL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: To Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a FACL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Logistics Section Chief Complex LSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "LSCC Qualification Requirements":

  •  *** S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Logistics Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-133.

Updated Required Training: 

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSCC" and from "LSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L 967prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency for LCSS:

  • Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC)
  • Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3)
  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

To LSCC Maintains Currency for These Positions:

  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Base/Camp Manager (BCMG)
  • Equipment Manager (EQPM)
  • Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3)
  • Ordering Manager (ORDM)
  • Receiving/Distribution Manager (RCDM)
  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Base/Camp Manager BCMG

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For BCMG": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logisitc Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for BCMG."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Unmanned Aircraft System Pilot UASP

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "Required Experience":

  • Completion and Certification of NWCG Unmanned Aircraft System, Pilot Position Task Book, PMS 311 78.

Updated:  Required Training, A-450 course title updated.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Air Operations
Food Unit Leader* FDUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "FDUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: S-357, Food Unit Leader (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created.

Operations Section Chief Complex OSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


To OSCC Qualification Requirements: 

  • ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Operations Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-108.


Required Training:

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Operation Section Chief, Complex (OSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-108

To These Positions Maintain Currency For OSCC:

  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Operation Branch Director (OPBD)
  • Operation Section Chief 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)

To OSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • Operations Brand Director (OPBD)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)
  • Strike Team Leader including (STCRSTEQSTEN)
  • Structure Protection Specialist (STPS)
  • Task Force Leader (TFLD)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills: 

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 4* ICT4

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "ICT4 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF) 

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT4."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  “except HMGB” to "ICT4 Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Any Single Resource Position (CRWB, DOZB, ENGB, FELB, FIRB, TRPB, HMGB) meets the prerequisite experience for Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4).

Position created.

Ground Support Unit Leader* GSUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For GSUL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from " GSUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to These Positions Maintain Currency For GSUL
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to GSUL Maintains Currency For These Positions

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a GSUL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex FSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


1.To FSCC Qualification Requirements Summary:

  •   ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-146.

2. To Required Training: 

  •  OR a completed X-520, NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:

  • Satisfactory performance as a Time Unit Leader (TIME)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146

To These Positions Maintain currency for FSCC:

  • Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)
  • Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • Time Unit Leader (TIME)

To FSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)
  • Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC)
  • Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • Time Unit Leader (TIME)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position Created.

Finance/ Administration
Incident Commander Complex ICCI

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


To ICCI Qualification Requirements:

  • ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Incident Commander Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-101.

To Required Training: 

  • OR a completed X-520, NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101

To These Positions Maintain Currency For ICCI:

  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)

To ICCI Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Agency Representative (AREP)
  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2)
  • Liaison Officer (LOFR)
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)

To Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills:

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)  to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICCI" and "ICCI Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Position created.

Strike Team Leader Crew STCR

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STCR Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STCR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "STCR Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Added: S-205 (28 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Strike Team Leader Engine STEN

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STEN Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STEN."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Position created. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Supply Unit Leader* SPUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For SPUL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from "SPUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SPUL."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SPUL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a SPUL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Strike Team Leader Heavy Equipment STEQ

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STEQ Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STEQ."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Position created.

Combined STDZ and STPL positions into a Strike Team Heavy Equipment (STEQ) position.

Service Branch Director SVBD


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SVBD."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SVBD Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Position created.

Position Archived.

Communications Unit Leader* COML

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "COML Maintains Currency For These Positions": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Removed: OR Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Added: AND Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)


Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Technician (COMT)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34



Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Support Branch Director SUBD

Position Archived.


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SUBD."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SUBD Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Position created.

Public Information Officer Complex PIOC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


  • To PIOC Qualification Requirements:  ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Public Information Officer Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-106.


  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).

Removed: NOTE: This qualification standard is effective until December 31, 2022, per NWCG Memorandum 22-002, Amended


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Incident Logistics Section Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Public Information Officer Course (E/L 952) prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency For PIOC:

  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)

To PIOC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Safety Officer, Field SOFF

Position created.

Medical Unit Leader* MEDL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "MEDL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD) 

Updated  "MEDL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • None

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: MEDL requirements to reflect the current EMT qualification position requirement.

Position created.

Safety Officer, Line SOFR

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added: To SOFR Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)


  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SOFR."
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "SOFR Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Advanced ICS (ICS-400) required training to align position with FEMA Type 3 standards.
Added: Transition Plan:

  • All qualified SOFR individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-400 in responder’s records.
  • All SOFR trainees will be required to complete ICS-400 prior to position qualification.

Updated: Position Task Book language to reflect the following: Once qualified as a SOF2, the SOFR qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the SOFR Position Task Book (311-82).

Position created.

The title of the Safety Officer Type 3 position has been changed to Safety Officer, Line (SOFR). This position is entry level, is not a prerequisite for higher qualifications, and is not tied to the complexity of an incident.


Year: 2023

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Communications Unit Leader* COML

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "COML Maintains Currency For These Positions": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Removed: OR Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Added: AND Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)


Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Technician (COMT)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34



Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Unmanned Aircraft System Pilot UASP

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "Required Experience":

  • Completion and Certification of NWCG Unmanned Aircraft System, Pilot Position Task Book, PMS 311 78.

Updated:  Required Training, A-450 course title updated.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Air Operations
Incident Commander Type 1* ICT1


  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT1."
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "ICT1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) and Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT1" and "ICT1 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Liaison Officer (LOFR) to "ICT1 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Removed: Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3) from "ICT1 Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Agency Representative (AREP) for "ICT1 Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Position created.

Incident Commander (Multi-Branch), Incident Commander (Multi-Division) and Incident Commander (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Resources Unit Leader* RESL

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "RESL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For RESL."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements :  Note: Once qualified as a RESL, the PSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the PSC3 Position Task Book (PMS 311-55).

Position created.

Incident Commander Type 3* ICT3


  • Air Tactical Group Supervisor (ATGS) and Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT3."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ICT3 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a ICT3, the OPS3PSC3LSC3 and FSC3 qualifications may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the applicable Position Task Book.

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills".

Removed: Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT3".

Added: Advanced ICS (ICS-400) to Required Training to align position with FEMA Type 3 standards.

Transition Plan:

  • All qualified individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-400 in responder’s records.
  • All ICT3 trainees will be required to complete ICS-400 prior to position qualification.

Position created. 

Incident Commander (Multi-Branch), Incident Commander (Multi-Division) and Incident Commander (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Cost Unit Leader* COST


  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for COST."
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "COST Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Required Experience:  Note: Once qualified as a COST, the FSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the FSC3 Position Task Book (311-50).

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Agency Representative AREP

Added: Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For AREP."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Liaison Officer (E/L956) to Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Added: Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) and Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) as Positions That Maintain Currency for AREP.

Position created.

Air Tactical Group Supervisor* ATGS

Added: Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3) to "ATGS Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Modified Agency Approved Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training to Required Training.

Added: Agency Approved (CRM) Training and Triennial Air Tactical Group Supervisor refresher training (RT-378).

Position created.

Air Operations
Liaison Officer* LOFR

Added: Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LOFR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) and Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) to These Positions Maintain Currency for LOFR.

Added: Liaison Officer (E/L956) to Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills.

Updated: Required Experience and removed from the list of Positions without NWCG Position Task Books.

Added: Position Task Book requirement per NWCG Memorandum 10-022.

Position created.

Ordering Manager ORDM

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For ORDM":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ORDM."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents  (ICS-200) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (ICS-200) to Required Training.
Transition Plan:

  • All qualified individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-200 in responder’s records.
  • All trainee ORDM will be required to complete ICS-200 prior to position qualification.

Position created.

Demobilization Unit Leader* DMOB

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DMOB."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2* FSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FSC2" and "FSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Required Experience:

Satisfactory performance as a Time Unit Leader (TIME).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Cost Unit Leader (COST).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Procurement Unit Leader (PROC).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Finance Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Finance Section Chief  (Multi-Division) and IFinance Section Chief  (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Finance/ Administration
Planning Section Chief Type 2* PSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with  "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSC2" and "PSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S- 440) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Resources Unit Leader (RESL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident.
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (PMS 311-23) as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.).

Position created. 

Planning Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Planning Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Planning Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Incident Commander Type 4* ICT4

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "ICT4 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF) 

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT4."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added:  “except HMGB” to "ICT4 Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Any Single Resource Position (CRWB, DOZB, ENGB, FELB, FIRB, TRPB, HMGB) meets the prerequisite experience for Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4).

Position created.

Public Information Officer PIOF

Position archived.

Removed: IS-700, NIMS: An Introduction from required training.

Added: PIO1 position endorsement approved 01/19/2022.

Remove: ICS-100, Introduction to ICS and ICS-200, ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents from Required Training.

Added:  S-203, Introduction to Incident Information OR E/L952, All Hazards Position Specific Public Information Officer to Required Training.

Added: Satisfactory performance as a Public Information Officer, Technician (PIOT) to Required Experience.

Added: Public Information Officer Type 2 (PIOT) to "PIOF Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:"

Removed:  S-110, Basic Wildland Fire Orientation from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:"

Added: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (ICS-300) and Advanced ICS (ICS-400) as required training to align position with FEMA Type 3 standards.
Added: Transition Plan

  • All qualified individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-300 and ICS-400 in responder’s records at the time of implementation.
  • All PIOF trainees will be required to complete ICS-300 and ICS-400 prior to position qualification.

Added: Introduction to Incident Information (S-203), Introduction to ICS (ICS-100), Wildland Fire Service (L-180), Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (S-190), Firefighter Training (S-130), Human Factors in the and Annual Fireline Safety Refresher (RT-130) as Required Training.

Position created.

The title of Information Officer Type 3 (IOF3) has been changed to Public Information Officer (PIOF). This position is entry level, is not a prerequisite for higher qualifications, and is not tied to the complexity of an incident.

Operations Section Chief Type 2* OSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Added: Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For OSC2" and "OSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created. 

Operations Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Operations Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Operations Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Area Commander ACDR


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ADCR."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACDR Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added:  Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) to Area Commander (ACDR) Maintains Currency for these Positions.

Added: Required training S-620 – Area Command (32 hrs).

Position created.

Service Branch Director SVBD


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SVBD."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SVBD Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Position created.

Position Archived.

Structure Protection Specialist STPS

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STPS."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Operations Section Chief Complex OSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


To OSCC Qualification Requirements: 

  • ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Operations Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-108.


Required Training:

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Operation Section Chief, Complex (OSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-108

To These Positions Maintain Currency For OSCC:

  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Operation Branch Director (OPBD)
  • Operation Section Chief 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)

To OSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • Operations Brand Director (OPBD)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)
  • Strike Team Leader including (STCRSTEQSTEN)
  • Structure Protection Specialist (STPS)
  • Task Force Leader (TFLD)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills: 

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Position created.

Division/Group Supervisor* DIVS


  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) and Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DIVS."
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) and Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "DIVS Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note:  Once qualified as a DIVS, the OPS3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "DIVS Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Required Experience option which includes satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
Satisfactory performance in any two Strike Team Leader positions (one must be either Strike Team Leader Engine [STEN] or Strike Team Leader Crew [STCR]). 

Added: Required training: S-339, Division/Group Supervisor (20 hrs).

Position created.

Public Information Officer, Technician PIOT

Added: Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIOT."

Added: IS-700, NIMS: An Introduction added to Required Training.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Support Branch Director SUBD

Position Archived.


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SUBD."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SUBD Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Position created.

Logistics Section Chief Type 3* LSC3

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted  from "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC3" and from "LSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC3."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "LSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements: Note: Once qualified as SPUL, FACL, GSUL, or ICT3, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) and NIMS: An Introduction (IS-700) to Required Training.

Removed: Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1) from the "LSC3 Maintains Currency for These Positions."
Added: Service Branch Director (SVBD) and Support Branch Director (SUBD) to "These Positions Maintains Currency for LSC3."
Added: the following language: FEMA PTBs are available on the NWCG website.

Position created.

Type 3 Position standards are being introduced to provide an agreed to minimum standard for National Mobilization and to help develop local capability.  Currently the PSC3, LSC3, and FSC3 positions are utilized by FEMA and the Department of the Interior All Hazard qualification program.

NWCG recognizes the ability of cooperating agencies at the local level to jointly define and accept each other’s qualifications for initial attack, extended attack, large fire operations, and prescribed fire.

Position qualification pathways for the LSC3PSC3, and FSC3 positions include both equivalency and position task book alternatives for position qualification.   FEMA position task books will be utilized for these positions and are available at

Communications Unit Leader* COML

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "COML Maintains Currency For These Positions": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

Removed: OR Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) Added: AND Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)


Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Technician (COMT)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34



Satisfactory performance as an Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM)
AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Communications Unit Leader (COML) Position Task Book, PMS 311-34

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Public Information Officer Type 2* PIO2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB."


  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIO2."
  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3) to "PIO2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PIO2."

Added: Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) to "PIO2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: IS-800, National Response Framework, An Introduction from Required Training.

Added: to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Public Information Officer Course (E/L952) prior to position qualification.”

Removed: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (ICS-300) and Advanced ICS (ICS-400) from Required Training.

Added: Bridging experience pathways for qualified OSC2, LSC2, and PSC2 to move into the PIO2 position.

Updated: Required Experience for PIO2 from Successful to Satisfactory performance as a PIOF.

Updated: PIO2 information on the position flow chart.

Added: Annual Fireline Safety Refresher (RT-130) to Required Training.

Added: PIOF to Required Experience.

Position created. Replaced IOF2.

Operations Section Chief Type 3* OPS3


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For OPS3."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "OPS3 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as DIVS or ICT3, the OPS3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented.

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Removed: Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1) from the "OPS3 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Removed: Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for OPS3" and from "OPS3 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Position created.

Type 3 Position standards are being introduced to provide an agreed to minimum standard for National Mobilization and to help develop local capability.  Currently the PSC3, LSC3, and FSC3 positions are utilized by FEMA and the Department of the Interior All Hazard qualification program.

Ground Support Unit Leader* GSUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For GSUL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from " GSUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to These Positions Maintain Currency For GSUL
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to GSUL Maintains Currency For These Positions

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a GSUL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Safety Officer Type 2* SOF2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB."


Added: Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SOF2" and "SOF2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."


Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a SOF2, the SOFR qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the SOFR Position Task Book (311-82).

Added: Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for SOF2" and "SOF2 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: Position Task Book language updated to reflect the following: Once qualified as a SOF2, the SOFR qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the SOFR Position Task Book (311-82).

Added: Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2) to the "These Positions Maintain Currency For SOF2."

Position created. Safety Officer in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Compensation/Claims Unit Leader* COMP


  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for COMP."
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "COMP Maintains Currency for These Positions."


  • Claims Specialist (CLMS) and Compensation-for-Injury Specialist (INJR) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for COMP."
  • Claims Specialist (CLMS) and Compensation-for-Injury Specialist (INJR) from "COMP Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: To Required Experience: Note: Once qualified as a COMP, the CLMS and INJR qualifications may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented. 

Added: Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) and NIMS — An Introduction (IS-700) to Required Training.

Satisfactory performance as a Compensation-for Injury Specialist (INJR) from Required Experience.
Satisfactory performance as a Claims Specialist (CLMS) from Required Experience.

Added: Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-47) as a Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)* to Required Experience.

Added: The following language: *Certification as COMP will allow certification as CLMS and INJR.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Task Force Leader TFLD

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "TFLD Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For TFLD."

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  If a TFLD meets the prerequisite experience and qualifications of a STL, the appropriate STL qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a ‘verification/certification’ page of the TFLD Position Task Book (311-10).

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "TFLD Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: the following qualification pathway for required experience:
Satisfactory performance in any two Strike Team Leader positions (STCR, STEQ, STEN).

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Deleted: S-330 (24 hrs.) and S-390 (16 hrs.) from Required Training.

Position created.

Strike Team Leader Heavy Equipment STEQ

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STEQ Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STEQ."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Position created.

Combined STDZ and STPL positions into a Strike Team Heavy Equipment (STEQ) position.

Planning Section Chief Type 3* PSC3


  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSC3."
  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "PSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as SITL, RESL, or ICT3, the PSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the PSC3 Position Task Book (PMS 311-55).

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills.

Added: Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) and NIMS: An Introduction (IS-700) to Required Training.

Updated:  footnote language:

The Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3) position is also utilized in the DOI All Hazard Qualification System. The FEMA All Hazard Planning Section Chief PTB is appropriate for use with this position and is available on the NWCG website.

Position created.

Type 3 Position standards are being introduced to provide an agreed to minimum standard for National Mobilization and to help develop local capability.  Currently the PSC3, LSC3, and FSC3 positions are utilized by FEMA and the Department of the Interior All Hazard qualification program.

NWCG recognizes the ability of cooperating agencies at the local level to jointly define and accept each other’s qualifications for initial attack, extended attack, large fire operations, and prescribed fire.

Position qualification pathways for the LSC3PSC3, and FSC3 positions include both equivalency and position task book alternatives for position qualification.   FEMA position task books will be utilized for these positions and are available at

Assistant Area Commander, Planning ACPC


  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ACPC."
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) and Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions."


  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ACPC".
  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "ACPC Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC) from "ACPC Maintains Currency for These Positions".

Added: Required training S-620, Area Command (32 hrs).

Position created.

Safety Officer, Line SOFR

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added: To SOFR Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)


  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SOFR."
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "SOFR Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Advanced ICS (ICS-400) required training to align position with FEMA Type 3 standards.
Added: Transition Plan:

  • All qualified SOFR individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-400 in responder’s records.
  • All SOFR trainees will be required to complete ICS-400 prior to position qualification.

Updated: Position Task Book language to reflect the following: Once qualified as a SOF2, the SOFR qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the SOFR Position Task Book (311-82).

Position created.

The title of the Safety Officer Type 3 position has been changed to Safety Officer, Line (SOFR). This position is entry level, is not a prerequisite for higher qualifications, and is not tied to the complexity of an incident.

Incident Commander Type 2* ICT2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added:  Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) and Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICT2".

Added: Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Liaison Officer (LOFR) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: the following Required Experience: Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3).

Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2).

Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-01) as an Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2) on a wildfire incident.

Added: Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1) and Type 2 (SOF2) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for ICT2" and "ICT2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Agency Representative (AREP) to "ICT2 Maintains Currency for These Positions".


Position created. 

Incident Commander (Multi-Branch), Incident Commander (Multi-Division) and Incident Commander (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.


Claims Specialist CLMS

Position archived.

Added: to Required Experience Section: Note: Once qualified as a COMP, the CLMS qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented.

Updated: Claims Specialist (CLMS) Required experience modified as follows: Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-47) as a Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)*

Added: the following language: *Certification as COMP will allow certification as INJR.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex FSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


1.To FSCC Qualification Requirements Summary:

  •   ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-146.

2. To Required Training: 

  •  OR a completed X-520, NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:

  • Satisfactory performance as a Time Unit Leader (TIME)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146


  • Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-146

To These Positions Maintain currency for FSCC:

  • Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)
  • Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • Time Unit Leader (TIME)

To FSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Cost Unit Leader (COST)
  • Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)
  • Equipment Time Recorder (EQTR)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Personnel Time Recorder (PTRC)
  • Procurement Unit Leader (PROC)
  • Time Unit Leader (TIME)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position Created.

Finance/ Administration
Logistics Section Chief Type 2* LSC2

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and from "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Time Unit Leader* TIME


  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For TIME."
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "TIME Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a TIME, the FSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the FSC3 Position Task Book (311-50).

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Operations Branch Director OPBD


  • Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For OPBD."
  • Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) TO "OPBD Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8 to Position-Specific publication under Standards and References.

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

 Removed: “*designates agency established position qualifications.”

Position created.

Operations Section Chief Type 1* OSC1

Added:  Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) to "OSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Position-Specific publication added under Standards and References: NWCG Position-Specific Standards for Operations Section Chiefs, PMS 350-8.

Added: Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For OSC1" and "OSC1 Maintains Currency For These Positions"

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3) to "OSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Removed: Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for OSC1" and from "OSC1 Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Added: S-430, Operations Section Chief (16 hrs.) and S-420, Command and General Staff (32 hrs.).

Position created. 

Operations Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Operations Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Operations Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Equipment Time Recorder EQTR

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintan Currency for EQTR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Public Information Officer Type 3 PIO3

Position created.

Incident Commander Complex ICCI

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


To ICCI Qualification Requirements:

  • ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Incident Commander Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-101.

To Required Training: 

  • OR a completed X-520, NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Incident Commander Complex (ICCI) Position Task Book, PMS 311-101

To These Positions Maintain Currency For ICCI:

  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2)
  • Incident Commander Type 3 (ICT3)
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 1 (PSC1)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)

To ICCI Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Agency Representative (AREP)
  • Area Commander (ACDR)
  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Assistant Area Commander Planning (ACPC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1)
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2)
  • Liaison Officer (LOFR)
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC1)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 3, Wildland Fire (OPS3)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF1)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)

To Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills:

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)  to "These Positions Maintain Currency For ICCI" and "ICCI Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Position created.

Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3* FSC3


  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to These Positions Maintain Currency For FSC3
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to FSC3 Maintains Currency For These Positions

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as TIME, COST, or ICT3, the FSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the FSC3 Position Task Book (311-50).

Added: Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team (O-305) to "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills".

Added: Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) and NIMS: An Introduction (IS-700) to Required Training.

Removed: Finance Section Chief Type 1 (FSC1) from "These Positions Maintain Currency for FSC3" and from "FSC3 Maintains Currency for These Positions".
Added: of the following language: FEMA PTBs are available on the NWCG website.

Position created.

Type 3 Position standards are being introduced to provide an agreed to minimum standard for National Mobilization and to help develop local capability.  Currently the PSC3, LSC3, and FSC3 positions are utilized by FEMA and the Department of the Interior All Hazard qualification program.

NWCG recognizes the ability of cooperating agencies at the local level to jointly define and accept each other’s qualifications for initial attack, extended attack, large fire operations, and prescribed fire.

Position qualification pathways for the LSC3, PSC3, and FSC3 positions include both equivalency and position task book alternatives for position qualification.   FEMA position task books will be utilized for these positions and are available at

Finance/ Administration
Supply Unit Leader* SPUL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For SPUL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from "SPUL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SPUL."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "SPUL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a SPUL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Safety Officer Complex SOFC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to SOFC Qualification Requirements:

  • *** S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Safety Officer Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-104.

Updated Required Training:

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Safety Officer Complex (SOFC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-104

To These Positions Maintain Currency For SOFC:

  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 1 (OSC1)
  • Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2)
  • Safety Officer, Line (SOFR)

To SOFC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Safety Officer, Line (SOFR)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Public Information Officer Complex PIOC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


  • To PIOC Qualification Requirements:  ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Public Information Officer Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-106.


  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).

Removed: NOTE: This qualification standard is effective until December 31, 2022, per NWCG Memorandum 22-002, Amended


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Incident Logistics Section Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of Public Information Officer Complex (PIOC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-106 (see note)

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Public Information Officer Course (E/L 952) prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency For PIOC:

  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)

To PIOC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Public Information Officer Type 3 (PIO3)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Facilities Unit Leader* FACL

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For FACL":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Deleted from "FACL Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FACL."
  • Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "FACL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: To Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a FACL, the LSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the LSC3 Position Task Book (311-35).

Position created.

Planning Section Chief Complex PSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:


  • To PSCC Qualification Requirements: ***S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-123.


  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123


  • Satisfactory performance as a Resources Unit Leader (RESL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Complex Incident Safety Officer (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-123 (see note)

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Planning Section Chief Course (S-440) prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency for PSCC:

  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)
  • Resources Unit Leader (RESL)
  • Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

To PSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions:

  • Demobilization Unit Leader (DMOB)
  • Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL)
  • Planning Section Chief Type 3 (PSC3)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Added: Area Commander (ACDR), Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC), Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), and Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PSCC ".

Added: Assistant Area Commander, Planning (ACPC), Incident Commander Complex (ICCI), Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1), Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2), Resources Unit Leader (RESL), Situation Unit Leader (SITL), and Status/Check-In Recorder (SCKN) to "PSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Position created.

Situation Unit Leader* SITL


  • Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to  "SITL Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For SITL."


Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: to Qualification Requirements:  Note: Once qualified as a SITL, the PSC3 qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented on a “verification/certification” page of the PSC3 Position Task Book (311-55).

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-24) as a Situation Unit Leader (SITL).

Updated: The prerequisite Required Experience for Situation Unit Leader (SITL) is Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4).

Position created.

Logistics Section Chief Complex LSCC

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "LSCC Qualification Requirements":

  •  *** S-420, Command and General Staff or L-481, Advanced Leadership for Command and General Staff or O-305, Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team, and I-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff, must be completed before initiating the NWCG Logistics Section Chief Complex, Position Task Book, PMS 311-133.

Updated Required Training: 

  • S-520, Advanced Incident Management OR Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) OR Complex Incident Management Field Evaluation (PDF) OR a completed X-520,NWCG CIM Field Evaluation Form (PDF).

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSCC" and from "LSCC Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)


To Required Training:

To Required Experience:


  • Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Operations Section Chief Complex (OSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133 (see note)


  • Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133


  • Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) Position Task Book, PMS 311-133

Note: Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L 967prior to position qualification.

To These Positions Maintain Currency for LCSS:

  • Assistant Area Commander, Logistics (ACLC)
  • Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3)
  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

To LSCC Maintains Currency for These Positions:

  • Assistant Area Commander Logistics (ACLC)
  • Base/Camp Manager (BCMG)
  • Equipment Manager (EQPM)
  • Facilities Unit Leader (FACL)
  • Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL)
  • Incident Commander Complex (ICCI)
  • Incident Commander Type 1 (ICT1)
  • Incident Commander Type 2 (ICT2)
  • Logistics Section Chief Type 1 (LSC3)
  • Ordering Manager (ORDM)
  • Receiving/Distribution Manager (RCDM)
  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

To Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills:

Position created.

Base/Camp Manager BCMG

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For BCMG": 

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)

  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logisitc Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for BCMG."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Receiving/Distribution Manager RCDM

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For RCDM":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For RCDM."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (ICS-200) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills." 

Added: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (ICS-200) to Required Training.
Added: Transition Plan:

  • All qualified individuals will remain qualified. Individuals will be granted ICS-200 in responder’s records.
  • All trainee RCDM will be required to complete ICS-200 prior to position qualification.

Position created.

Procurement Unit Leader* PROC


  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PROC."
  • Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "PROC Maintains Currency For These Positions."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Personnel Time Recorder PTRC

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For PTRC."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Equipment Manager EQPM

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Deleted from "These Positions Maintain Currency For EQPM":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD) 
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Added: Logistic Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for EQPM."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Compensation for Injury Specialist INJR

Position archived.

Added: to Required Experience Section:  Note: Once qualified as a COMP, the INJR qualification may be granted by the certifying official. Certification must be documented.

Updated: Required experience modified as follows:  Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-47) as a Compensation/Claims Unit Leader (COMP)*

Added: the following language:  *Certification as COMP will allow certification as INJR.

Position created.

Finance/ Administration
Documentation Unit Leader* DOCL

Added: Planning Section Chief Complex (PSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency for DOCL."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Position created.

Strike Team Leader Crew STCR

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STCR Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STCR."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Added: Crew Representative (CREP) to "STCR Maintains Currency for These Positions."

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Added: S-205 (28 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Strike Team Leader Engine STEN

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows:

Added to "STEN Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Safety Officer Field (SOFF)

Added: Operation Section Chief Complex (OSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For STEN."

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Removed: Tactical Decision Making in the Wildland Fire (S-336) from "Other Training Which Supports Development of Knowledge and Skills."

Updated: The Task Force Leader (TFLD) and Strike Team Leader (STDZ, STEN, STCR, STPL) Position Task Books (PTB)(311-10) have been combined. However, the positions have not been combined. Strike Team Leader tasks are completed only once. The Required Experience for TFLD must be met prior to completing additional TFLD tasks. Upon satisfactory performance in the prerequisite single resource boss position, the specific strike team leader task book may be initiated. Once qualified as a Strike Team Leader, any additional single resource boss qualifications will also qualify the individual in that corresponding strike team leader position—without having to complete the Strike Team Leader PTB for the new position—once agency certification is documented on the PTB Certification page.

Position created. Task Force/Strike Team Leader in 1984 PMS 310-1.


Year: 2022

Position Position Code Change Functional Area
Logistics Section Chief Type 2* LSC2

Updated Positions Qualification Requirements as follows: 

Deleted from  "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and from "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions":

  • Service Branch Director (SVBD)
  • Support Branch Director (SUBD)

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Logistics Section Chief Complex (LSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For LSC2" and "LSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Added: “Individuals utilizing this pathway must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.”

Updated: asterisk note to read: Individuals must complete the Logistics Section Chief Course (E/L967) prior to position qualification.

Updated: Prerequisite experience modified as follows:

Satisfactory performance as a Facilities Unit Leader (FACL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Supply Unit Leader (SPUL).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Logistics Section Chief Type 3 (LSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2).
Satisfactory performance as an Operations Section Chief Type 2 (OSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Planning Section Chief Type 2 (PSC2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.
Satisfactory performance as a Safety Officer Type 1 (SOF2).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-33) as a Logistics Section Chief Type 2 (LSC2) on a wildfire incident*.

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs.) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Division) and Logistics Section Chief (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2* FSC2

Removed: Required Training and Required Experience and replaced with "The qualification pathway for this position is discontinued per NWCG direction on January, 2023. Responders with an active PTB will transition to the corresponding complex position PTB." 

Updated: Position Endorsement
The position for this endorsement is currently being evaluated to the new standards for Complex Incident Management, for current information regarding this change, please contact your NIMSIC representative.

Added: Finance/Administration Section Chief Complex (FSCC) to "These Positions Maintain Currency For FSC2" and "FSC2 Maintains Currency For These Positions".

Added: Incident Position Description (IPD) approved.

Updated: Required Experience:

Satisfactory performance as a Time Unit Leader (TIME).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Cost Unit Leader (COST).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Procurement Unit Leader (PROC).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).
Satisfactory performance as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 3 (FSC3).
Completion and Certification of Position Task Book (311-46) as a Finance/Administration Section Chief Type 2 (FSC2).

Added: S-420 Command & General Staff (32 hrs) to Required Training.

Position created. 

Finance Section Chief (Multi-Branch), Finance Section Chief  (Multi-Division) and IFinance Section Chief  (Multi-Leader) in 1984 PMS 310-1.

Finance/ Administration
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USWDS Paragraph Bundles

NWCG Latest Announcements

Updated NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

Date: September 19, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

The Incident Business Committee has updated the NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934. This update expands the provisions for hiring emergency personnel.


NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

IBC Memorandum 24-03

NWCG 2024 Spring/Summer Highlights

Date: September 13, 2024

Forest Service Logo
Bureau of Indian Affairs Logo
Bureau of Land Management Logo
National Park Service Logo
Fish & Wildlife Service Logo
State Foresters Logo
U.S. Fire Administration
Intertribal Timber Council Logo
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Department of Defense Logo

Welcome to our latest highlights from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, where we explore the latest updates, insights, and efforts that develop interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial partners.

The Performance Support Package, which for ABRO includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is officially an associate member of NWCG. As such, NASA is beginning to collaborate with wildland fire management agencies with the goal of increasing collaboration across agencies and leveraging NASA data, technology, and innovation for nation-wide efforts in wildland fire management. NASA has a rich history of research, development, and technology transfer in the areas of Earth science, space technologies, and aeronautics that support the NWCG mission.

NWCG new website look.


The NWCG web team dedicated the past two years to making a significant upgrade to the site. This upgrade involved a comprehensive redesign of over 7,700 web pages.

The modernization of NWCG’s website involved migrating to Drupal 10, a cutting—edge content management system, and leveraging Amazon Web Service GovCloud for secure and efficient hosting. These upgrades help ensure that the NWCG website remains current in content management practices, offering enhanced customization, improved performance, and an overall superior user experience.

NWCG Leadership Committee

WFLDP Professional Reading Program logo
WFLDP PRP book covers

The Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program announced the Professional Reading Program’s 2024 list!

The years books include:

  • Young Men and Fire by Norman Maclean
  • The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by William H. McRaven
  • The Art of Clear Thinking by Hasard Lee
  • Emotional Agility by Susan David
  • Writing to Persuade by Trish Hall

Learn more at the NWCG Leadership Committee


In 2023, NWCG kicked off the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. A training system overhaul focused on developing a performance-based training system designed to shift training to on-the-job when appropriate.

Over the next five years, NWCG intends to analyze all positions within the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1. To date we are currently working on 30 incident positions, and planning for 20+ in calendar year 2025.

Subject Matter Experts from a variety of geographical areas and agencies recently completed the position analysis for 16 positions. From this analysis, Incident Positions Standards and a Next Generation Position Task Book will be developed for each position.

Incident Performance and Training Modernization


In April 2024, NWCG launched the new Next Generation Position Task Book (Next Gen PTB) which is a key component of the IPTM effort. This revised evaluation tool is designed to work in conjunction with the newly developed Incident Position Standards.

Major Next Gen PTB changes:

  • Structured to improve constructive conversations between evaluators and trainees.
  • Reference new Incident Position Standards.
  • Include only tasks required to be evaluated for successful performance.
  • Trainees will be rated on their performance vs. initialing whether a task was completed.
  • Must include written feedback when trainee does not meet the standard.
  • Will be position specific (no combined PTBs).
Screen shot of the Next Gen Position Task Book

Banner image of the Wildland Fire Learning Portal website

NWCG’s training course catalog is now available on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP).

To access the training course catalog, visit WFLP and either set up an account or login as a guest.



The Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book are now available for Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO)

Date: September 12, 2024
Contact: Interagency Helicopter Operations Subcommittee

NWCG is excited to announce that the NWCG Incident Position Standards for Aircraft Base Radio Operator, PMS 350-87 and NWCG Position Task Book for Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO), PMS 311-87 are now available.

The Performance Support Package, which for ABRO includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.


NWCG Aircraft Base Radio Operator Position Page

NWCG Incident Position Standards for Aircraft Base Radio Operator, PMS 350-87

NWCG Position Task Book for Aircraft Base Radio Operator, PMS 311-87

NWCG Mental Health Subcommittee Recognizes September as Suicide Prevention Month

Date: September 9, 2024
Contact: Mental Health Subcommittee 

The NWCG Mental Health Subcommittee (MHSC) is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health within our wildland fire community. This year’s Suicide Prevention Month theme, “Stronger Together,” underscores the importance of unity and support in every facet of our lives — at work, with family, and among friends.

As we recognize Suicide Prevention Month, including Suicide Prevention Week (September 8 – September 14, 2024) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10, 2024), we encourage you to share resources and engage in meaningful conversations within your teams.

Remember: We are Stronger Together, and help is always available. Let’s continue to support one another and foster an environment where mental health is a priority.


NWCG Mental Health Subcommittee

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline